Outlive Your Life Final

I am Molli Martin and I am doing an assignment for Mr. Weishaar who teaches Religion 8. The assignment is where we take three of our best reviews and add stuff to it and also write a prayer with each of them. After that we write a 700 word essay about the book. I am writing it on the 15 of October in 2017.

Chapter 14 Evaluation

My name is Molli. I am writing a assignment about chapter 14 of Outlive Your Life. I am doing this assignment for Mr. Weishaar in Religion 8.

The theme of chapter 14 is stable because when we are with Jesus and we have Jesus we are stable. He gives us strength and he is our rock he holds us up and protects us in our time of need. He will always be there for us and won’t give up on us. The chapter also talks about us not labeling people for what they look like. Max wants us not to label people because they’re due a Gentile or anything like that. That is the theme because the book says on page 151 that, “God calls us to change the way we look at people. Not to see them as Gentiles or Jews, insiders or outsiders, liberals or conservatives. To label is too libel.” The author’s main points are that God is our savior and we are stable because of him he’s a rock that we can stand on and will never break. That connects to the theme because it is the theme. Another main point that the author made is that we should not judge people by how that look or how they act. That is what God should do. God should judge people not us. That also connects to the theme because when we are stable because of God doesn’t mean we can judge people. We are not God and can do whatever we want. The author points out that we should not judge people. We should not do God’s job. I think that the author’s goal was to show us that God is above us and we should not judge people for who they are.

Dear Jesus our Rock, 

                                             It thank you for always being my rock and my fortress and always holding me up. I am sorry that I judge people for what they look like.  Please help me to remember to not judge people and to know that you are always there with me.



Chapter 10 Evaluation

My name is Molli. I am writing a assignment about chapter 10 of Outlive Your Life. I am doing this assignment for Mr. Weishaar in Religion 8.

Chapter 10 talks about helping the the people who can’t help themselves. The theme is helping people. That is the theme because in the the book it talks about what Jesus’s mission was. The book said that his mission was, “ Help for the body and soul, strength for the physical and the spiritual, therapy for the temple in the eternal.” That is the theme because Jesus wants to help the people who are not as fortunate as some people are. He wants to give them strength physically and spiritually and give them the strength to help him. The author wants to point out is that we should obviously help the people who are not as fortunate as us. The author wants to point out is that we should obviously help the people who are not as fortunate as us. That connects to the theme because the theme is helping. When we help the people who aren’t as fortunate as us we are sharing God with them and showing how God is helping them. After we help from God to strengthen their soul and fill them with the love of God. The author wants to point to us that we shouldn’t hold people accountable for not looking the same as us. They might not be physically fortunate but they are still people and God loves them. If they do not know God we should show them God and show them God’s love. The author is trying to point out that we shouldn’t judge people by their cover. God is the one who should judge people, we should not. The author gives us the idea to share God with people and to help people in anyway that you can. We should help people so that we have more family through Christ to love and to know. The author really wanted us to know that people who aren’t perfect in our eyes, are perfect in God’s eyes. We should not hold him accountable for what they look like but love them for whatever they do and for whatever they look like.

Dear Caring God, 

                                   I thank you for giving us the chance to share God to other people even if they are under privileged. I am sorry that we pass under privileged instead of shareing God with. I hope that you will give me the strength to share God with people and not judge them.



Chapter 6 Evaluation

I am Molli Martin, a eighth grader at Lincoln Lutheran. I am doing an assignment for Mr. Weishaar that is called Chapter 6 Evaluation for the book Outlive Your Life.

Chapter 6 is mainly about opening your hearts to underprivileged people. The book talks about opening or doors to underprivileged people so that we can share God to them. If we open our homes to people them we can share God. God can help people through the good and bad times. When we share God we would hope that they would open their hearts to finally feel God in them. On page 56 of Outlive Your Life it says, “hospitality opens the door to uncommon community.” That shows that if we open our hearts and our homes to peop,e then we chould change someone’s life. They will be full of God and his love. The author tries to point out that if we show people hospitality and open our doors then we can share God and God will heal them. Hospitality and Hospital come from the same root word in Latin of healing. We can heal people through sharing God with them. They will be helped by us but healing by God. He also tries to point out that hospitality in Greek mean love and stranger. We should love the strangers around us and show them hospitality. We should open up our doors for them and help them. He gives us the idea to open our homes to help other people. When we help other people we will feel better and open our hearts more to God and if we share God to them. Then they could grow to love God. The author wanted us to help other people and he really puts in your mind that you can help people.

Dear Loving God,

                                    Thank you for giving us the chance to share God with  people and to help them get back on their feet. I am sorry that we don’t open our hearts and our doors to people in need. Please help us to be more open hearted and forms to help more people and to share you more.



Questions about the Book

The book did a good job to connect to Acts. The author, Max, did a good job of taking the stories from Acts in changing it into real life situations. He also took some stories from his life to try to help us understand. That really helped me because I sometimes have trouble connecting book to my life. I have trouble putting questions or something like that into contexts and putting it in a way that I understand. When I was reading the book I could know what he was talking about because of how Max wrote it in the book. I sometimes get confused when I am reading the Bible because when they talk about fighting in using swords in having to live in deserts I don’t do stuff like that so I can’t connect to my life. It also helps the stories be more modern so we can understand and connected to what’s going on in her life. I like when Max talks about phones or the grocery store or anything like that because we do that stuff and in Acts it doesn’t explain it to us that way. I do not think that the book Outlive Your Life is telling us anything new but I do think it is writing acts in a new way to help me and other people to know what people in the Bible are talking about. I think that they are just helping us understand and writing in a modern way but are not adding anything. They are still using the Bible to help support what they say but are not adding anything new. They are not trying to rewrite the Bible, they are just trying to help people understand it.

I do not think that I have outlived my life. I always walk past people who are not as fortunate as me or who are homeless and I want to help them but I don’t. I feel terrible when I don’t help them but I just don’t know what to do to help them. I know I could give them food but I’m with my family and I don’t even know what to say. I am a hypocrite, for the past few reviews it has been talking about opening our hearts and our homes and sharing them with people and also helping them. In the reviews I have been saying that we should help people and share God with them and open our hearts and homes for them but being truthful I don’t even do that. I hate seeing people hurt or sick or anything like that, but I don’t help them when they are. I don’t give them food or try to do anything to help them. If I don’t know the people that I struggle with helping or Sharon gone with them. When my mom has a headache I hope her but when I don’t know somebody in there on the street I don’t help them when they are. I don’t give them food or try to do anything to help them. If I don’t know the people that I struggle with helping then even know I should. I read the Bible and the Bible says that should help people if I know them or if I don’t. I went to Dare to Share last year and I helped people as a group I showed God to a family and they now go to church. I felt really good as I was helping them and sharing God with them but I haven’t done anything like that lately. I have gotten many chances to but I always push them away. I try to not push them away but I always feel scared or I feel like I will get embarrassed or get bullied if I do that. I have gotten a little bit more comfortable talking with people I don’t know and sharing God with them but I am not as comfortable as I would want to be. I want to not feel embarrassed or scared to do it. Feeling more comfortable to talk to people I don’t know helps me to be more social even though I already am very social.

During confirmation I feel the Holy Spirit in me. The Holy Spirit is in me because I get to share my faith and I won’t be embarrassed if I say anything that I am uncomfortable saying. We are learning about the book of John. The book of John is good to learn about and confirmation because we get to learn about God’s miracles and everything that he did for us. If we know God’s miracles then we know that God can do a lot for us. If we know that God can do a lot for us then we should do something for him. We should share God and have an open mind, heart, and door to the people we don’t know and to the underprivileged people. I am most excited to get confirmed because I will be part of the adults. I get to do with the adults get to do and get to drink and eat with you don’t forget to drink and eat. It will make me feel like more of an adult because I get to be treated like an adult. I want to be treated like an adult so I can feel more worthy of doing things. I am hoping that all of my family will be at my confirmation.

The first verse that I chose was Acts 9:15. This first says, “But the Lord said to Ananias, “Go! This man is my chosen instrument to proclaim my name to the Gentiles and their kings and to the people of Israel.” This talks about being called by God to share him and to open our hearts to God. The book outlive your life also says that we are called to share God and to open our hearts and our doors to underprivileged people. Both Acts and Outlive Your Life talk about being called by God to share him. I should listen to ask in the book because God has done so much for us and we should do something for him. I chose this verse because I am called by God but sometimes I do not listen to him. I choose to not listen to him and forget that he is our Lord and he is above us. I sometimes forget that I am not the person in charge, that God is. I need to know that I should listen to them instead of listening to what the devil and the world says it’s OK.
The second verse I chose was Acts 5:29. This verse says, “Peter and the other apostles replied: “We must obey God rather than human beings!” This verse connects to Outlive Your Life because it talks about obeying God and in Outlive Your Life when we are supposed to listen to God we should be obeying him and actually doing what he tells us to do. If we obey him we will feel better because we are sharing God and opening our hearts to people who need the love of God. I chose this first because if we don’t obey God and how we supposed to do what he wants us to do. We might listen to him but if we Obey him then how are we supposed to follow God and trust him. If we put our trust in our faith in God then we don’t have to put our trust and faith and the devil and the world.

The first time that we saw Cesar in the movie was when he punish the people that left Jesus to. The way he punish them was by killing them. I know that that didn’t actually happen in the movie but it showed me that he was a terrible person and help me not understand why people would listen to him. I don’t get why people would listen to somebody who would kill people because they let one prisoner go. If you were such a mean person then why wouldn’t they leave. I think that they didn’t leave because they thought he would kill them too.
Another place in the movie that helped me understand that it was a very big moment was when the Holy Spirit came in to the disciples well they were praying it all the disciples started praying in different languages. When I read it in ask I didn’t really realize that it was such a big thing. I just thought that it was cool. When I watch the movie and help me see that it would be really hard for them to all be speaking in different languages and not get confused. It would also be really hard for 12 people to speak different languages that they had to learn by people That would take a long time for 12 people to learn 12 different languages.
One place in the movie that caught My eye was when The high priest was talking to Peter and the whole crowd was yelling at the high priest to kill him but then at the end of the scene everybody was yelling at the high priest to let them go. That caught my eye because it would be very hard for everyone to change their mind about the same thing at the same time. That shows me that God went into their hearts and their minds to show them that Peter was only doing that because he was trying to share the love of God to everyone.